Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Honaga- Village in INdia
Gunter Rig-Sailing ship
Jun-Monetary unit of Korea
Botargo -A delicacy of cured fish
Waffle- to fail to make up ones mind
Hosel- the socket of a golf club into which the shaft fits
Qanat-underground channel
Fuher: ruthless leader
Urticate: prickling sensation
Guyed: to make fun of
Fjord: Cliff in Norway
Kine: Groups of cows
Dun: a dark grayish brown color

October 27, 1854
Captains Log
Location: Somewhere off the Scandinavian Coast, Fjords in Sight at times.
We have been sailing blind for three days now. The storm seems to keep constant watch over our ship. We started to take on so much water that we had to throw off most of our cargo, including all of the Botargo, and the special shipment from Honaga that we were told never to open. We barely lasted through the night. Yesterday when Davies was coming down form his post on the Crows nest, he spotted some spec over yon, how he saw it I’ll never know, but as we approached it looked like the worst. It was a small dun gunter rig and it seemed to have run aground, however we were at least 40 fathoms deep. I waffled whether or not to approach it. I couldn’t help myself. I lead them as their Fuher, not wavering in courage, as to not be guyed still because of the last boarding, when I…never mind. As we boarded an uricatious sensation befelled my bones. No one seemed to be on board, not even what was left of someone. We went below, and could not believe our eyes. 7 chests sitting there waiting to we cracked. The first contained nothing but a group of cow figurines. We left the kine to look for the next chest. The second was much more valuable. It was filled with thousands of Jun. I had Sammy carry that chest back onto our ship. Suddenly I heard something in the back of the cargo hold, I drew my sword and whipped around to find a man crawling towards me speaking in a low whisper. I hoseled my sword and leaned down hear what he spoke. “Take it to the qanat…that’s the only way to rid yourself of it…to the...qanat…” he fell to the ground, cold as ice. I had no clue of his meaning, and frankly could care less I left him a pourboire and bid him adieu.
I will always remember that night. The night I should have listened. The night…I was curs


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    Fjord is also a horse. haha I like your story, i felt as if i was on the boat along with the characters. Good use of the words too.. i definitely didnt know what most of them where ha
